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Funding Project on

This Project was successfully funded in 2020 and I was able to expand my business accordingly thanks to

About Me

My name is David, I'm a Woodturner from Tralee Co. Kerry, Ireland and I have been in business professionally since July 2015. I have been selling through high commission retail outlets thus far and I really want to move away from that and develop my new teaching facilities. 



Before becoming a Woodturner I was a qualified Carpenter. I could go back to that life again and make loads of money but I have felt a calling to Woodturning since I first started in 1996. I have built a good foundation for my little business and I believe I can make a good go of it if I get a chance.


The Project Aim

For the final phase of my tuition studio expansion, I require funds to buy the remaining items (tools, safety equipment & wood stock for classes) to help grow my small business. I have slowly built my Studio over the last few years but I can't do it alone anymore. Students are currently having to share some handtools during classes which is a big negative. The bigger my classroom gets the more tools need to be added. I want to develop the new tuition side of the business so that I can once again see the craft the way I used to and not have to worry about how much stock I'm moving per week through the shops. 

There are no risks in reaching my target, only benefits. 


Why Fund it

As a small business/Artist I have struggled to buy the equipment I need over the last few years. Every penny I've made has gone right back into the business to get me through each stage of development. I have also leaned on family loans, overdraft facilities and credit cards too often to count.

I know that there are probably more worthy causes out there for people to pledge to but reaching my target would be huge for me. The rewards should take the sting out of it for you a little and hopefully you may feel better making a difference in someone's life. 


Your Pledge

Each pledge brings me closer to my goal and reaching or exceeding my target means a huge weight will be lifted off my shoulders.  If my target is reached I can concentrate on building my tuition to the point where I can hopefully draw a living wage from my craft. Going beyond my target would be fantastic as I could invest that on future business needs. Each reward is a guaranteed Irish product, you can't pass it up!

Thank you for your support


I started this business because I love being creative and working with my hands has always been more satisfying than any other job I've had.  I would love to continue in this role and develop more creative products while passing on some of the knowledge I have accumulated along the way.

Thank you for reading and hopefully pledging.

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